Good morning to you all. I hope you had a great Easter, I know we certainly did! I've been a bad's been 6 days since my last post (and I even had a friend say she was worried about me! How sweet!) I don't have any creations to share as I've had more articles to write and a major holiday to get through, but I can share a bit about what I've been up to this past week (I hope you want to look at some pictures!)
Hubby was working very hard to get a normal job with normal hours the past couple of weeks, going for 4 interviews and a job shadow at a local company. Unfortunately, it appears he didn't get the job, but we don't really know! The guy won't return his phone calls! It was strange, they told him to take some personality profile test (all I could think of was a dating site with some of the questions they asked!) and call to get an appointment time to take his D.O.T. physical. Well, he did just that, but never received that phone call. He figures he "bombed" the test, but like I said, how can you bomb a test that is all about who you are? They just aren't ready for someone as awesome as he is :)
Easter was nearing, so of course, that means it's time for crazy baking. I decided to bake a carrot cake with Patryk, but of course there wasn't much "helping" going on. I was pretty much doing it all. He just enjoyed playing with the on/off switch on the stand mixer (and licking the beaters after the frosting was made, of course!) :)
Watching it all mix together
This is where he started (and this is a quote) doing a commercial. You see, he's explaining the features of the toy and finished up by saying "and it's only $15 dollars!" In the next picture, he is "holding his microphone."
Then his favorite song, Vampire Weekend's "Giving Up the Gun" came on. He just had to break into random breakdancing. It's so cute, he knows every word and sings along at the top of his lungs, just like his mommy :)
Here's the finished cake. It took all day to make, so by the time I had to frost it, I pretty much gave up. I know I could have done a better job, but I didn't care! It was just nice to be done!
Easter arrived, and it was a crazy day. Hubby had to work the night before AND Easter night, so he had to go right to bed. Luckily he was able to see the "basket moment." Then, it was just me and a couple of kids with a giant sugar rush (Andraia was at her biological father's for the weekend. I missed her very much.)

After I got a couple of articles finished up, we moved on to egg dying. This was Patryk's first year, so he was in heaven! Rileigh invited her friend over to help. Afterwards, we hid them around the backyard for an egg hunt :) It was fun, despite the fact it was sprinkling out.
Well, that's all I have for you now. Off to the craft room after a play date this morning, I have so much new paper to play with! I'm sure I'll learn to write and craft in the same day, haven't quite figured it out yet. I also need to catch up with you all, see what great things you've created. You all inspire me so much :) Have a great day!