Sunday, January 9, 2011

An update to my NVS post from last night

So I still couldn't take the pictures outside, as the wind is whipping, making the air feel like it is actually 20 below. Brrrr! Little Miss Rileigh, a.k.a. "I know more than you MOM" thought it would be a good idea to go to basketball practice in her shorts, not thinking of putting pants on over them. That would be too easy. She'd rather freeze, and STILL complain about it, even though it was her idea. Lucky for her, I brought a pair of sweats to throw on after practice, saving the day once again.

I was able to capture this page in the light coming through the window, and it showcases more the shimmer of the background, and the real amazing detail of the beaded paper. If you didn't happen to see the original post, or you want to know more about N*V*S, go to the original post here.

I used both pink and gold shimmery mists, my own recipe. I love how they shimmer, this pic still doesn't do them justice!

That's all for now, I'm off to start dinner and head up to finish a layout I started earlier but was unable to finish, due to the previously mentioned basketball practice. Maybe I'll be able to post later, but I am pretty beat from the day. These kids are off the WALL.


Leah l'Orange said...

YAY! this is what i wanted to see! GORGEOUS! and the colours make much more sense now! :D thanks for sharing! xo

Alysse said...

Love this so much!! Thanks for the updated pictures.